
NEW Privacy Slips

We understand that at times, you may feel more comfortable to ask for help or communicate your needs in a more discreet manner. For exceptional circumstances, we offer a ‘Privacy Slip’ which you may present to the Receptionist in order to communicate your needs in a way you may feel is more comfortable and safe to you.

The Privacy Slips are located on entrance into the building by the main door, before reaching the main Reception desk. Reception will do their best to help you whilst taking your needs into consideration. 

*Please note, all slips will be discarded of after your query is dealt with and will not be retained. 

Published on 28th Jun 2024

New! Drop-in sessions for NHS App and Online Access Support

Did you know that Warmdene Surgery offers 1:1 support for using the NHS App and accessing your online record?

Emma, our Digital Ambassador can meet with you to get you set up and show you everything that the NHS App can do. Call 07808 646075 or simply turn up to one of our weekly drop-in sessions at the practice on Tuesday mornings.

Click here for all the information on this service.

Published on 22nd Feb 2024

February 2024 - Website Redevelopment

Welcome to our new website, which was first published in February 2024. We have modelled the website on the design of other NHS websites to be easy to navigate and find what you need. We hope that it provides you an intuitive and easy to read, multi-language format that is mobile compatible with a wealth of information about our practice and also your ongoing healthcare. The website was reviewed by IT professionals, PPG members and staff, to ensure that it conforms to the latest NHS website standards. We hope that our site becomes your regular place to find out information about health services and our healthcare provision. Please encourage other patients to have a look! Thank you.

Published on 13th Feb 2024

Choir on Premises

Some of you may have been disappointed that we were unable to have a local choir perform at the entrance to the surgery in December, due to inclement weather. We intend to set a new date soon either in late spring or early summer. We hope you can find the time to come and hear them. There will be a collection for a charitable organisation. Please keep checking this news item for further details.   

Published on 13th Feb 2024

New Telephone System

Our new telephone system is now live! Please listen carefully to all pre-recorded messages as some aspects of our system have changed. For example, they will instruct you to not leave messages for Reception on the Referrals Line as this line is not checked every day.

The new system will allow us to do some things we have never done before namely:

  • Send automatic texts to patients if we have to cancel a whole clinic due to staff sickness absence
  • Patients can opt to receive an automated callback from the surgery if the queue is above a set number of callers waiting in the queue
  • Depending on the purpose of a pre-booked telephone consultation, clinicians can readily offer a video consultation.  
  • Our reception team will receive the patient details in advance of the call.
  • There is a lot of statistical and management information available through the system, allowing us to review call volumes and capacity interactively
  • Should a major emergency ever occur, the system provides additional functionality to support resilience, such as re-directing calls to mobile phones.
  • Call recordings can be more easily recovered and listened to.

 We would appreciate if any problems are reported at the earliest opportunity. Thank you. 

Published on 13th Feb 2024